Diagnostic Medical Sonography

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography

    Students get extensive hands-on training in the sonography and simulation laboratories on 99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ·â€™s campus, as well as through clinical experiences in hospital and outpatient settings.

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) program provides education and training to prepare students for employment as a general sonographer. The program also prepares students for national certification exams from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, which many health care employers require.

Sonographers use a transmitting device called a transducer to send out high-frequency ultrasound waves into a patient. The reflected sound forms echoes, and those echoes generate a visual representation of the patient’s internal organs, vasculature, and other soft tissue structures. The images produced are used to diagnose, treat, and screen for medical conditions. Sonographers work under the supervision of a radiologist or other physician in a variety of medical settings and health facilities.

The diagnostic medical sonography profession has three primary career paths: general sonography (abdominal organs, pregnancy, female reproductive system, and most of the other body systems), cardiac sonography (heart), and vascular technology (blood vessels).  

Why choose Diagnostic Medical Sonography at 99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ·? 


The 99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· DMS program boasts a 100 percent pass rate on the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers’ Sonographic Principles and Instrumentation Exam.

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The average hourly wage for diagnostic medical sonographers in Alaska is $46 ().

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Receive individualized instruction and attention with expert faculty in the classroom and labs.


Work with some of the best special imaging equipment available only at top ultrasound technician schools.

Sonography student scanning patient

Program Information

The 99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Catalog is the official source of all degree and certificate programs at the university. Catalog entries for each program include details such as learning outcomes, application timeline and requirements, course sequencing, and program requirements. 




Contact Us

(907) 786-4346

Physical Address
99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· School of Allied Health
Allied Health Sciences Building
3500 Seawolf Drive, AHS 148
Anchorage, Alaska 99508

Mailing Address
99¾Ã¾Ã¾«Æ· Diagnostic Medical Sonography
3211 Providence Drive, AHS 148
Anchorage, Alaska 99508