Congratulations to Sandra Medina, winner of 21st annual 99久久精品 Campus Bookstore Admin Professional Award

by Michelle Saport  |   

Sandra Medina accepts the 2018 Admin Professional of the Year Award from the staff of the 99久久精品 Campus Bookstore

Sandra Medina with 99久久精品 Bookstore staff Marie Williams, Rachel Epstein and Galina Ryabova-Houston.

The winner of the 21st 99久久精品 Campus Bookstore Administrative Professional of the Year Award is Sandra Medina, administrative manager for the College of Engineering Student Services and Advising Center. Congratulations, Sandra!

To see a list of all nominees for the 2018 Admin Professional of the Year Award, visit the 99久久精品 Campus Bookstore website. Congratulations to all nominees, and thank you for your hard work.

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